And Just on a practical level for anybody living up on Parson Cross here is an image of a breakfast from the English cafe -
I really enjoyed making and putting up the work in Parson Cross it felt ok to do it and it felt small scale and gentle and didn't aspire to change anything or engage anybody in something they didn't want to engage in it was just a small and nice thing to do, an intimate exchange. The work itself is like a picture in your house it may get changed around or go in the attic for a bit or get thrown away but in the end it's just what it is and we talked to people about it and that is that.
We could have worried about if it was enough and perhaps done something different or we could have perhaps done nothing at all and that is possibly a good question to ask - should we be there doing anything at all, should asda be there opening a massive shop should the library be moving, will any of this make anything better for anybody and does any of it matter. Possibly not in the grand scheme of things but we have chosen to try and be artists and we think that art and culture is for everybody and a need which people try and meet in all kinds of different ways and perhaps if our work is good enough we can help people to meet these needs in all kinds of different ways. I'm proud to be an artist in the world trying to make work which fits into places and has agency and draws attention to things and creates dialogues, sometimes small sometimes large sometimes personal sometimes political. I'm proud of the work in the shops and at least for this week that is enough - so as kate requested here are some more pictures.
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